產品 FAQ Product FAQ

常見問題 Common Questions

Q1.需要具備哪些器材,才能開始進行檢測? Q1.What equipment is needed to start testing?

A1.「高效電晶體感測儀」、「多重感測器陣列(晶片)」及「專屬數據軟體」需同時使用。 A1. "High efficiency FET sensing system", "Multi-Sensor Array (Chip)" and "Specially designed data collection software" need to be used at the same time

Q2.是否可試用? Q2.Is it possible to try it?

A2.蔚星提供一次免費試用,以確保您的研究能使用本產品,並依照您的實驗數據,提供一次免費分析及諮詢服務。 A2.We offer a free trial to ensure that your research can use this product, and provides a free analysis and consultation service based on your experimental data.

Q3.實驗是否可以委託蔚星代為檢測? Q3.Can you provide experimental service?

A3.目前尚未開放委託檢測。 A3.Not yet.

Q4.儀器有多重? Q4.How much weight is the device?

A4.手持式 高效電晶體感測儀 小於500g,輕量可攜。 A4.Handheld High efficiency FET sensing system, less than 500 grams.

Q5.儀器保固多久? Q5.How long is the warranty?

A5.一年保固,不含耗材。 A5.One year not including consumables

Q6.開始實驗前,除儀器、晶片及軟體外,還需要準備甚麼? Q6.What do I need to prepare in addition to instruments, chips and software before starting the experiment?

A6.您需要在晶片上的電極上,依據您的研究領域進行不同的塗布。並製備待測物之溶液及基準量測液(baseline buffer)。 A6.You need to immobilize the specific probe to the electrodes on the chip depending on your testing targets. And prepare the solution of the analyte and the baseline buffer.

Q7.待測物需進行前處理嗎? Q7.Does the analyte need to be pre-treated?

A7.大多數無需複雜的前處理。 A7.Not necessary in the many analytes

多重感測器陣列(晶片) Multiple Sensor Arrays (chip)

Q8.晶片是否能重複使用? Q8.Could I reuse the chips?

A8.晶片為耗材,不建議重複使用,避免影響實驗結果。 A8.Chips are consumables, so we do not suggest to reuse it to avoid affecting the results.

Q9.晶片是否能直接使用? Q9.Can I directly use the chips?

A9.需自行塗布具專一性的待測物探針。 A9.Need to immobilize the specific probe.

Q10.晶片可存放多久? Q10.How long could we preserve the chips?

A10.尚未塗布的晶片,可放於防潮箱保存。若已塗布的晶片,依不同研究領域而有不同的存放條件。 A10.If the chip has not been immobilized, it can be stored in a moisture-proof box. If the chip has been immobilized, the storage conditions may vary depending on the research field.

Q11.晶片有幾組電極? Q11.How many sets of electrodes does a chip have?

A11. 8組。 A11. Eight sets

Q12.如何進行塗布? Q12.How to immobilize?

A12.蔚星將依研究領域,提供專屬protocol參考。 A12.We will provide the protocol according to your research field.

Q13.晶片塗布的位置為? Q13.Where do I immobilize the probe on the chip?

A13. 8組電極上。(如下圖) A13. 8 sets of electrodes. (as shown below)

Q14.晶片上的8組電極,可滴入多少總面積的液體? Q14.8 sets of electrodes on the chip, how much liquid can be dripped into the total area

A14.建議不超過0.25 mL。 A14.No more than 0.25 mL is recommended

Q15.晶片是否能客製化? Q15.Whether the chip can be customized?

A15.若有客製化套件共同開發之需求,可來信 service@starx.com.tw 或來電 03-5715131 轉分機 33979。 A15.If you have the need for the joint development of customized kits, you can write to service@starx.com.tw or call 03-5715131 ext. 33979

Q16. 8組電極排列順序為 Q16. The 8 electrodes are arranged in order?

A16.將晶片金手指插入儀器,由左到右依序為1-8 Channel。(如下圖) A16.Insert the chip gold finger into the instrument and sequence from left to right as 1-8 channels. (as shown below)

專屬數據軟體 Specially designed data collection software

Q17.軟體上的8 Channel是否可依需求進行命名? Q17.Whether the 8 channels on the software can be named according to requirements?

A17.可自由設定 A17.It can be set freely

Q18.軟體有幾種量測模式? Q18.How many measurement modes does the software have?

A18.依實驗需求,共有超過10種以上的模式提供選擇。 A18.According to the experimental needs, there are more than 10 modes to choose from.

Q19.參數的設定,是在儀器進行還是軟體? Q19.Are the parameters set in the instrument or in software?

A19.所有設定皆於軟體操作。 A19.All settings are operated in the software.

Q20.多久進行一次量測? Q20.How often are measurements taken?

A20.以秒為單位,最低可設定1秒鐘。 A20.In seconds, you can set a minimum of 1 second.

Q21.是否可直接於軟體上,看到real time圖表? Q21.Can I see the real time chart directly on the software?

A21.可以,且X軸(秒)及Y軸(mA)可調整之最小單位為0.1,並能任意放大縮小區間。(如下圖) A21.Yes, the minimum unit of X axis (seconds) and Y axis (mA) can be adjusted to 0.1, and the interval can be arbitrarily zoomed in. (as shown below)

Q22.軟體上是否有「標示按鈕」協助註記(例如,加入待測物時間點等)? Q22.Is there a marked button on the software to assist with annotation (e.g., add DUT time point, etc.)?

A22.有,實驗結果的CSV檔案,將有「*」字號呈現標註時間點。 A22.Yes, the CSV file of the experimental results will have a "*" font size to show the marked time point.

STARX 數位平台 STARX Digital Platforms

Q23.何為「STARX數位平台」? Q23.What is the " STARX Digital Platforms "?

A23.該平台提供使用者上傳、下載實驗數據,非第一線檢測者,也能透過該平台遠端進行資料分析及維護。 A23.The platform provides users to upload and download experimental data, and non-front-line testers can also remotely analyze and maintain data through the platform.

Q24.每一個平台帳號,是否就要搭配一台儀器? Q24.Do you need to match each platform account with an instrument?

A24.否,一個帳號可搭配多台儀器,可於數據建檔時,於「使用者」欄位,填寫該量測之使用者,以利使用者、管理者進行維護及區別。 A24.No, one account can be used with multiple instruments, and the user of the measurement can be filled in in the "User" field when the data is filed, so as to facilitate the maintenance and differentiation of users and managers.

Q25.若與其他實驗室共享儀器,是否平台帳號也需要共享? Q25.If I share instruments with other labs, do platform accounts also need to be shared?

A25.否,可透過加值服務,額外選購自己的帳號。 A25No, you can purchase your own account through the value-added services.

Q26.是否能直接於平台進行數據分析? Q26.Can I perform data analysis directly on the platform?

A26.即將上線。 A26. Coming soon.